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Thameside Local Governing Body

Thameside Primary school converted to an academy on 1st August 2017 and joined the Vale Academy Trust (VAT), which is made up of 6 primary schools and 2 secondary schools.  As part of the Vale Academy Trust the Local Governing Body (LGB) operates under a Scheme of Delegation from the Board of the Trust and the VAT Board is responsible for appointing five members of the LGB. Two governors act as representatives of the parent body, the staff are represented by one staff governor and the Headteacher is an ex officio member.

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please do take a look at the flyer at the bottom of the page for more information!

The role of the LGB

Governors are volunteers who work in partnership with the headteacher and other members of staff to support and challenge the school to ensure that the children at Thameside receive the best education possible.

Governors also contribute to the school’s development plan and have a role in overseeing the financial management of the school. The LGB meets formally six times per year, with occasional additional meetings as required. Members of the LGB take responsibility for supporting and monitoring various aspects of the life of the school that have been highlighted in the school’s development plan as well as key management areas, such as Health & Safety, Safeguarding and Finance.

The Vale Academy Trust recognises that it is essential for governors to be well-informed and regular Governor Development evenings are arranged so that governors from all the Trust schools get together for discussion and workshops. As well as providing necessary updates and training, these offer opportunities for sharing ideas and best practice. In addition, the Chairs of Governors meet several times during the year.

Towards the end of the summer term staff and Governors attend a meeting to review the school year and to discuss objectives for the upcoming year.

Please look at the tab to the right to find out more about each member of the LGB. 

Co-Chairs of Governors: Sandra North and Liz Cooper
emails: and

Safeguarding lead governor from September 2024: Liz Cooper -

All of our Governors are also responsible for monitoring a specific area of school practice - these roles are agreed in the September LGB meeting each academic year and can be found in the document below. 


Thameside Primary School
Cotman Close
OX14 5NL


01235 527600
