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Keeping Safe

Here at Thameside, our top priority is to ensure that we work together to keep our children safe. We do this in many ways, one of which is to provide opportunities within our curriculum where the children learn about different ways they can keep themselves safe. Click on the link below to find out more:


Personal, Social and Health Education

Safety is threaded throughout our PSHE curriculum. Specific themes include such themes as Drugs, Sex and Relationships, Stranger Danger and e-Safety. Children are encouraged to explore and discuss these issues together and with their teachers/learning support assistants. We also discuss a wide range of issues around safety and wellbeing on a very regular basis in assemblies.  Trips to IMPs and Junior Citizenship, as well as activities such as Bike-ability classes, also provide important enrichment experiences. We also welcome regular visits from our PCSO and 'PC Ben' story sessions for our youngest children.  

We also have regular assemblies led by the local leisure centre about keeping safe near water. 



We particularly focus on online safety within our computing. This is a continuous thread throughout our teaching. Children are taught how to make safe choices online both in and out of school. Depending on their age and stage, they are taught about safe use of passwords, cyber bulling and risky adults.

More information for parents can be found on our 'Online Safety' page. 

Safe Use of Equipment

Our curriculum is designed so that safety issues within the subject are discussed and safe practices taught. We teach children how to use equipment properly in subjects such as science, PE and design and technology. Where necessary, risk assessments are in place.  

We also ensure that children are taught to keep safe when using bikes via Reception balance bike classes, an after-school bike club and also Bikeability in Year 5 and 6. 

Off Site Visits

At all times there has to be appropriate staffing levels and when the curriculum is taken out of school, appropriate and agreed pupil/adult ratios are maintained. The lead adult always assesses visits as to the level of risk and all trips are authorised by the headteacher. Risk assessments are conducted for all activities beyond the school grounds, and these are agreed by the Educational Visits Coordinator and headteacher.


Please do take a look at the useful links and guides below that we have shared to support parents and carers to keep children safe:

Safety videos for children (

Road Safety For Children | Child Accident Prevention Trust (

Walking with children | 365Alive




Thameside Primary School
Cotman Close
OX14 5NL


01235 527600
